A simple app for custom manufacturing management

Example #1. Furniture manufacturer. Client and order database, all order materials, work organization. Applications for measurers, assemblers.
Example #2. Bakery. Client and order database, customer notes, work scheduling, feedback. Electronic queue for the kitchen.
Example №3. A window manufacturer. Client and order database, all order materials, work organization. Applications for measurers, assemblers.
Example #4. A tailor shop. Client and order database, all order materials, work organization.

Your database of clients, orders, etc.

Customers will appreciate it if you remember their allergies or can quickly find their previous order and do everything “as usual”.

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Complete control over the production

Constantly calling and asking “How’s order #12345?” is not efficient. It’s much more convenient when all the information is available in real-time.

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Work time planning and tracking

Work time tracking makes it possible to calculate the actual cost of services, better plan work, and analyze the efficiency of individual performers.

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Funnel Efficiency
Time report

Scheduling work considering the team’s current load

It’s much easier to accurately estimate a possible completion date for a new client’s order when having all the relevant information about other orders at hand.

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Gantt chart Calendar Map Load
Gantt chart

Performance analysis of the team at each stage

It would be interesting to compare, for example, how quickly different managers typically call customers to confirm orders after they’ve been placed on the website.

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Funnel Efficiency

Standard processes, minimizing the human factor

If it’s determined that the chef needs to photograph the cake before dispatching it, and the courier after delivery, then that’s exactly how it will be, without the need for checking and reminders.

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Own application for each team member

There might be many orders containing various information, but chefs only need to know what and when to prepare (displayed on a Kanban board on a large screen), while couriers need to know what, where, and when to deliver (listed on their phone with notifications).

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Without programmers and significant expenses

You select a starter template that best suits your processes and receive a tool ready for use, assembled from small blocks. If needed, you can independently adjust fields and data interaction methods, manage access, configure other processes, and so on.

We’ll help you get started

Let us demonstrate, explain, and configure everything for you to ensure you get exactly the application you need, allowing you to start using it right away. This service is currently free, just contact us via email or chat.

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