A simple app for sales and customer relationship management (CRM)

Example #1. A construction company. Working with leads that are added manually or automatically received from the website, chatbot, etc. A database of clients, projects.
Example #2. A private school. Working with potential students and their parents, storing characteristics and test results, selection for the academic year, etc.
Example #3. An IT product company. Organizing the sales funnel for the product: introduction, conducting demonstrations, assistance with settings, etc.
Example #4. A packaging manufacturer for restaurants. A catalog of possible packaging options with photos and tag search, all necessary layout files.

Your database of clients, contracts, products, services, etc.

Managers may change, but your clients, along with all information about them, should remain with you.

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Complete control over the sales

Calling and asking “How many potential clients do we have this week?”, “At which stage is client ‘X’?”, “How many more demonstrations does Maxim have today?” is not efficient. It’s much more convenient when all the information is available in real-time.

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Work time planning and tracking

Work time tracking makes it possible to calculate the actual cost of services, better plan work, and analyze the efficiency of individual performers.

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Funnel Efficiency
Time report

Scheduling work considering the team’s current load

It’s easier to quickly schedule a visit to view a property with a client when you have all the relevant information about other appointments and the work schedule of all team members at hand.

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Gantt chart Calendar Load
Gantt chart

Performance analysis of the team at each stage

For example, it’s interesting to know the average duration of product demonstrations by different managers and how it correlates with the contract signing rate, etc.

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Funnel Efficiency

Standard processes, minimizing the human factor

The process will unfold smoothly according to a clear, defined script: making an introductory call, scheduling a demonstration, conducting the demonstration, providing trial access, assisting with setup, and signing the contract.

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Own application for each team member

You can show the manager all or only their own clients, all or only the necessary information, automatically send notifications and reminders about tasks, etc.

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Without programmers and significant expenses

You select a starter template that best suits your processes and receive a tool ready for use, assembled from small blocks. If needed, you can independently adjust fields and data interaction methods, manage access, configure other processes, and so on.

We’ll help you get started

Let us demonstrate, explain, and configure everything for you to ensure you get exactly the application you need, allowing you to start using it right away. This service is currently free, just contact us via email or chat.

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